This year the Easter cantata that we are singing at my church tells us in one of the pieces that, "He grew the tree that He knew would be used to make the Old Rugged Cross." What a powerful thing to think about. I don't know how many of you have children but imagine planning, before they were born, to sacrifice them when they turn 30. Now imagine 30 years before they were born planting the seed that would someday grow to be the cross your child would hang on. God's divine plan is something that we cannot ignore and His sacrifice often brings up painful emotions in us of inadequacy. It should and then we need to train ourselves to immediately turn to God with prayers of THANKSGIVING.
Picture a great chasm with the earth on one side and hell on the other. There is a bridge between the two places and Jesus is standing on the Earth side trying to get people to turn around. Every person who will get on that bridge has to push Jesus out of the way to do so. This is a perfect picture of how a person goes to hell. The gift of eternal life with Christ is free. Repent, be baptised, and spread the word. Those things may cost pride and cause self-reflection but there is no cost compared to the price that has already been paid for all of us. We just need to pray and accept the gift.
It is extremely important that we think today about the day Satan lost and Jesus won. The day that all of our repented sins were washed clean. Call on this sacrifice made for you and let it take over your thoughts.
Sunday we rejoice, Friday we mourn.
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