I usually fly somewhere about once every two years and this last two weeks I spent 11 days away from home. This required 8 take-offs and landings and multiple time changes.
I have an uncle who does this kind of travel on a regular basis and I have a new appreciation for how hard it is to be living on the move. While I was gone and was getting weary I thought of how the apostles must have felt as they traveled across two continents spreading the word of Jesus's sacrifice for us and nurturing new churches.
I was interested to find that in the book of Acts alone the word travel or some form of it appears 15 times. There was a bunch of traveling going on back then and to think that they did it on foot or on animals just blows my mind. It was a lot easier to perservere through my weak times on the road knowing that I had it really easy compared to those who started Christianity that lives on in my time today.
I encourage you to reflect on what is making you weary this week and look for strength in the Word. The Holy Spirit gives me peace when I turn to the right sources for this strength. God is so good1!!
(This is really my post from last week as I am a little behind getting things typed up.)